
Each budding blossom, unknowingly holding time still, carries within it an eternal life. The deep lyricism that emerges from its serene glow seems to convey the aesthetic sensibilities of both the creator and the customer to this day.The essence and the aspirational spirit of the two individuals towards the work have been instilled into the brand.

龍吟虎嘯 Ryuginkosho

同じ心をもった者は、相手の言動に気持ちが通じ合い互いに相応じ合うということ。龍や虎の叫び声が天空に轟き渡るように響くことをいう。 龍が声をあげれば雲がわき起こり、虎がうなれば風が生じ嵐を巻き起こす。

It refers to the resonance of emotions between individuals who share the same heart, where their feelings align and correspond to each other's words and actions. It is like the roaring of a dragon or the cry of a tiger echoing through the sky. When the dragon roars, clouds surge forth, and when the tiger growls, wind arises, stirring up a storm.

www.soushinjp.com | supportsoushin@stormllc.net | 1-92, 2F, Noda, Kanazawa-City, Ishikawa 921-8107 Japan

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